Thank you for taking part in the Head to the Hill National Call-in Day! To start, enter your address to get the phone numbers for your legislators' offices. If you are asked for your ZIP+4, you can find that information here. For this effort, it's best to call the DC office (the 202 number). Then, scroll down for a script you can use to get your message across. Please remember to log your call when you're done and let us know how it went.

When you call the office, you can give your message to the staff person answering the phone. They take note of all calls and will pass your message on to the appropriate person in the office. Be prepared to give your home address so they know that you are a constituent.

To find your elected officials, please enter your ZIP Code. If you live in a split district, you may need to enter your full zip code+4, which you can find at under Look Up A Zip Code.

ZIP Code:    


Hello. My name is ________ and I am a constituent and a volunteer with the National Brain Tumor Society. On May 6th, brain tumor advocates from across the country were in Washington DC to meet with their legislators on key brain tumor issues. I am calling today because I too support these issues and stand with them in this effort.

I would like to ask the SENATOR/REPRESENTATIVE to support funding for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the FDA in the Fiscal Year 2015 budget.

The NIH is the largest funder of brain tumor research in the country and provides access to clinical trials and treatment for many brain tumor patients, including children. Funding cuts to the National Cancer Institute alone have resulted in fewer clinical trials for adults and children, and stopped the testing of potential pediatric brain tumor drugs.

In addition, the FDA is working with the National Brain Tumor Society to improve clinical trials and jumpstart brain tumor drug development, and funding for such work must continue so that better treatments and ultimately a cure can be discovered for brain tumors and other cancers.

These issues are very important to me because (GIVE 3 SENTENCES ABOUT WHY THESE ISSUES MATTER TO YOU).

Thank you for your time.