Welcome to Dawn Bauleke's Personal Fundraising Page
Stand and Deliver! Ye may know about Team Jolly Rogers - this be words from the Captain...
I am participating to improve the lives of all those affected by brain tumors. I am passionate about this cause and that is why I am joining with others in this event! This will be my 29th year of participation. This year, virtually, as we have moved to Oregon.
Funds raised here help to direct promising research, support families who are currently coping with the effects of a brain tumor diagnosis, and advocate for change.
Brain tumors have personally impacted my family. Roger, my first husband, was diagnosed with two tumor types: Oligodendroglioma and mixed Anaplastic Astrocytoma. Both of these are malignant; the approach of the medical team was to treat the more aggressive, faster-growing astrocytoma. Roger was privileged to be included in a research protocol, which became the ‘gold standard’ in treatment for astrocytoma for some time. It allowed him to live for eleven more years – time enough to reach his goal of seeing his son graduate from High School.
During treatment and for the rest of his life, Roger participated in the annual fundraising walk in the Bay Area – first, the Angel Adventures, then the Bay Area Brain Tumor Walk. Since his death in 2005, family members have continued as Team Jolly Rogers to raise funds in his memory.
I have joined this movement to bring the issue of brain tumors to the forefront. Progress is being made, but there is so much more to be done. Please support my efforts - and that of Team Jolly Rogers!
Note! Goal Updated to $3141... (if you know, you know)...
let's make it happen! Watch this space...!
About Team Jolly Rogers
Roger Bauleke was an eleven-year survivor of a primary brain tumor. He personally raised over $5,000 for NBTS (then NBTF) each year, for ten of those years.
Roger's no longer here to raise those funds in person, but I have pledged to continue to raise money for NBTS for as long as there's a Bay Area Brain Tumor Walk. Joining with me are other members of Team Jolly Rogers, formed in Roger's memory.
An' a right scurvy lot we be! We piratical-types be pillaging an' plunderin' an' hoping to turn out the coffers to bring in lots of gold, silver doubloons an' bullion for the Cause. Can ye help us out, Matey? Walk Day be comin' soon!
Thank you so much for all of your support and I hope to see you at the Bay Area Brain Tumor Walk!
Other Ways To Contribute
If you prefer to donate via check, please reach out to me personally so I can make sure you have the right forms to do so if you don't find them on the site. Don't forget to add our team name to have it count toward our team's total!
Every little bit counts. We appreciate your support. And Yarrr!
National Brain Tumor Society is fiercely committed to finding a cure for brain tumors. They are aggressively driving strategic research; advocating for public policies that meet the critical needs of the brain tumor community; and providing comprehensive patient, family and caregiver resources. Your support ensures this important work will continue.
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