Northern California Brain Tumor Walk
Team UCSF Survive & Thrive 2024
We are uniting with others to make a difference in the fight against brain tumors. We are passionate about this cause, so we are taking action. We need your help in this fight. Please join in our effort!
National Brain Tumor Society is committed to defeating brain tumors and improving the quality of patients’ lives. NBTS unrelentingly invest in, mobilize, and unite the brain tumor community to discover a cure, deliver effective treatments, and advocate for patients and caregivers.
National Brain Tumor Society is fiercely committed to finding a cure for brain tumors. They are aggressively driving strategic research and advocating for public policies that meet the critical needs of the brain tumor community. Your support ensures this important work will continue.
Team Roster
Team Gifts
Denotes a Team Captain
Team Progress
of Goal
Team Honor Roll
UCSF Department of Neurological Surgery
Karen and Steve
Ms. Judi Travis Nychay
Andrea Micodin
Chris and Maria Good
TJ, Squid, & Doug
Dragos Micodin
Elaine Luse
Bill and Suzanne
Justin Nychay
Matching gift for Chinae Gonzales
Jack and Lisa
Parvine and Mark
Chinae' Gonzales
Mom of ScarecrowSF2022
Matt Guarino
Cindy Krynicki
Chloe Cullen
Hideho Hideho
Dr. Harish Vasudevan
Pat Burley
Alden Hom
Mrs. Sara Taverner
Charlotte Huie
Mr. Mark C
Jerry House
Constance Jimenez
Audrey Cullen
Loudette Bautista
Dr. Mary P. Lovely RN, PhD
Jangmi Siverson
Sarah Rabbitt
Faye Marie Manalili
Miguel Nakama
Gay Marie Capistrano
Felamie Anne Ducotan
Jane Rabbitt
Ariel Rodriguez
Dr. John De Groot
Karrie Nanquil
Jenny Clarke
Eduardo Rodriguez Almaraz
Roberto Capistrano
Art Clarke
Warren House
Ritwik Ghoshal
Mr. Dan Dunnigan
Daniela Mustafa
Julie Dunnigan
Mr. John Dolan
Justin Nychay
Judith Nychay
Naomi Hoffer
Ms. Chinae' Gonzales
Priya Bellare
Kevin Harville
Wajdy mustafa
Sherri Bunger
Geenah Leslie
Andrea Micodin
Teresa Bolla
Top Donors
UCSF Department of Neurological Surgery
Karen and Steve
Ms. Judi Travis Nychay
Andrea Micodin