Northern California Brain Tumor Walk

Team Tomorrowland

In April 2014, I went in for what I thought was going to be a quick MRI to get a look at why I was experiencing dizziness and sharp shooting pain in my head and neck. I am no stranger to MRIs so when it was over and I was not allowed to leave the hospital until I spoke to a doctor, I knew something was wrong. Within 24 hours, I was connected with one of the top neurosurgeons at UCSF and was scheduled for surgery within three weeks.

My team of doctors were able to remove over 95% of the tumor and discharged me from the hospital just a few days later with a new (and some would say) stylish hair cut.

As the ten-year anniversary of my surgery approaches, I am joining the fight against brain tumors by participating in the Bay Area National Brain Tumor Walk on Saturday, June 8 at the San Francisco Zoo and I need your help! Please join my team, Tomorrowland, and together we can make a difference in the lives of brain tumor patients!

If you are unable to join us on June 8, but would like to donate to the cause, your donation will help advance the fight for a cure! All funds raised through the walk allow the National Brain Tumor Society to advance research and fuel the discovery of a cure for brain tumors.

Over a million people in the United States are living with a brain tumor, and about 94,000 others will be diagnosed this year. Brain tumors are often deadly, impact quality of life, and change everything for patients and their loved ones. I can attest to how being diagnosed with and treated for a brain tumor turned my life upside down. But despite  the challenging road, I could not be more thankful for the life lessons  learned, the support I received from my husband, parents, family and  friends, and, of course, the miracle workers, aka the neurosurgeons, at UCSF Medical Center.

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National Brain Tumor Society is fiercely committed to finding a cure for brain tumors. They are aggressively driving strategic research and advocating for public policies that meet the critical needs of the brain tumor community. Your support ensures this important work will continue.

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