New England Brain Tumor Walk

Kathryn's Cuties for a Cure

Hello friends!

Team Kathryn's Cuties is participating again in the NBTS New England Brain Tumor Walk on Sunday October 22nd.  We would love your help raising some money for this important cause.

As you probably know, Kathryn was diagnosed with a brain tumor in 2012, not long after our son Hal turned 1 year old.  She underwent surgery, and then underwent radiation a few years later, shortly after our daughter Josie was born. Thankfully Kathryn has been doing very well for the last few years. Though she has MRI scans and neuro oncology appointments every 6 months, and every appointment is a scary one, because we don't know what each scan will show.

We recently heard about a young family friend who was diagnosed with a brain tumor.  It is not just our family that is affected by this terrible disease.

Please consider donating to NBTS and to our team.  Help NBTS and their industry partners continue to do their important work, supporting research, treatment and advocacy.  Thank you for your support!

-Kathryn, Derek, Hal (11) & Josie (9)

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National Brain Tumor Society is fiercely committed to finding a cure for brain tumors. They are aggressively driving strategic research and advocating for public policies that meet the critical needs of the brain tumor community. Your support ensures this important work will continue.

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