New England Brain Tumor Walk

Live Life
Live Life

Live Life

Hi All! First, thank you for visiting TEAM LIVE LIFE fundraising page. Our team has been supporting this cause since the initial years and has brought to much gratitude for our lives.  This is a cause that is beyond special to me for many reasons. Not only am I a brain tumor survivor, but through my volunteering and personal experiences, I have been so lucky to meet other warriors along my own journey.

Come join my team LIVE LIFE and walk to raise funds for brain tumor research! We are lucky to be in person at DCR Carson Beach in Boston since COVID changed our world and it will be great to feel all the good vibes of the day's events!

Over 12 years ago, I joined thousands to raise awareness for research of brain tumors and brain cancer. Once again this year, with my team LIVE LIFE , I will be walking in the Boston National Brain Tumor Society walk on October 20, 2024 to improve the lives of all those affected by brain tumors and brain cancer. Although we have made great progress in research we are still fighting for a cure. Join us in the fight for a great cause.

I am so fortunate to have surpassed 17 years stable! Not a day goes by that I don't think of how lucky I am as a Brain Tumor Surivivor. I feel blessed that I have a positive story to share despite facing another new normal with challenges I have faced in the last few years, especially this year.

Here's a bit about my story: In 2006, I was very abruptly and suprsrisingly diagnosed with an aggressive grade III Anaplastic Oligoastrocytoma. Being 25 years old at the time, it has taken me a long time to even comprehend the words "brain cancer" and I have become so in tune and passionate about this cause and just how many individuals are affected each day. To say it is a challenge to adjust to the "new normal" life after the initial diagnosis, brain surgery, radiation and chemotherapy is quite the understatement - it is something I deal with everyday.  All these years later, I am blessed with clean scans - I have encountered new issues due to my treatments, such as late onset complex migraine disorder.  This last year has presented significant challenges for me as I was diagnosed with Mild Neurocognitive Disorder due to the trauma my brain has been through.  I say this is a challenge because from the tumor prespective I am stable, however, there are other conditions one can develop because of the tumor itself, or treatments we have undergone.  No one can truly prepare you for what's to come.  However, my life's passion continues to be to raise awareness inspire hope to everyone I can reach while focusing on my own current needs.

Funds raised here helps to direct promising research, support families who are currently coping with the effects of a brain tumor diagnosis, and advocate for change. I have experienced first hand the trauma and the triumphs of living as a brain tumor patient/survivor and know how truly important this cause is as it is one of the most under researched diagnoses. It is so important to raise awareness for this disease.

I have joined this movement to bring the issue of brain tumors to the forefront. Progress is being made, but there is so much more to be done. I am not asking much, but if you are able, please support my efforts.

I hate Cancer, but I love the beautiful people it has led me to. Over the years, I've learned it seems cancer has touched many lives.  No amount is too small as it helps the mission to find a cure! 

Thank you and all my love,


Inspire Hope. Take Action.

On behalf of Team Life Ife and the entire brain tumor community, 

Thank you


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Please note: If you are interested in donating to this team, please select a member of the team and select the donation option from his/her page or make a general team donation.

NBTS is fiercely committed to finding a cure for brain tumors. NBTS aggressively drives strategic research; advocates for public policies that meet the critical needs of the brain tumor community; and provides comprehensive patient, family, and caregiver resources.

Your support ensures this important work will continue.

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