New Jersey Brain Tumor Walk

'Rae' of Sunshine

We are uniting with others to make a difference in the fight against brain tumors. We are passionate about this cause, so we are taking action. We need your help in this fight. Please join in our effort!

Our lives changed forever on November 28, 2023, when our beloved Rachael (‘Rae’) Storer was sent for a CT-scan following severe headaches. She was ultimately diagnosed with an Astrocytoma, a Grade 3 brain cancer.

She had brain surgery to remove the 6mm tumor, followed by six weeks of radiation, and is now facing 11-months of chemotherapy. She had to undergo fertility treatments to freeze her eggs as the chemo may make her infertile.

Our family has gotten involved with the National Brain Tumor Society (NBTS) with the hopes that a cure will be found to not only benefit Rae, but all individuals facing a terrifying brain cancer diagnosis.

We would greatly appreciate your support!

National Brain Tumor Society is committed to defeating brain tumors and improving the quality of patients’ lives. NBTS unrelentingly invest in, mobilize, and unite the brain tumor community to discover a cure, deliver effective treatments, and advocate for patients and caregivers.
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National Brain Tumor Society is fiercely committed to finding a cure for brain tumors. They are aggressively driving strategic research and advocating for public policies that meet the critical needs of the brain tumor community. Your support ensures this important work will continue.

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