Race For Hope DC
Team Z Mac
We are uniting with others to make a difference in the fight against brain tumors. We are passionate about this cause, so we are taking action. We need your help in this fight. Please join in our effort!
National Brain Tumor Society is committed to defeating brain tumors and improving the quality of patients’ lives. NBTS unrelentingly invest in, mobilize, and unite the brain tumor community to discover a cure, deliver effective treatments, and advocate for patients and caregivers.
National Brain Tumor Society is fiercely committed to finding a cure for brain tumors. They are aggressively driving strategic research and advocating for public policies that meet the critical needs of the brain tumor community. Your support ensures this important work will continue.
Team Roster
Team Gifts
Denotes a Team Captain
Team Progress
of Goal
Team Honor Roll
Valero Energy Corporation
American Clean Power
BGR Group
Ms. Sarah Macchiarola
Lot Sixteen
The Sandberg Family
Sickles Family
Bonnie Feldman
Gareth Danker
Erin Book Mullen
Jeff Miller
Erik Milito
Adam Ingols
Karole Mendelsohn
Mrs. Jane Lucas
Dave Carabetta
Salo Zelermyer
Jennifer Monick
Matching gift for David Carabetta
Casey Crimmins
Alisha Cipriano
Frank Maisano
Josette Goldish
Judith Wisnia
Ben Klinger
Jason Fuiman
Howard Mann
Todd Spangler
Karyn Hill
brenda becker
Jonathan Kiviat
Mark Gaylord
Gabe Ollins
Nancy Felts
Stephanie Carrick
Chad Silverman
Bob Paskiewicz
Tina Hymer
Elizabeth DiLauro
Jaime Seltzer
Francine Menendez
Ronnie Lucase
Brian Shortt
Ryan Silverman
John Kim
Emily Nozick
Todd Boudreau
Elaine Levison
Francine Trachtenberg
Lauren Amlin
Adam Geisler
Margaret Hatch
Peter Schmidt
Michael Goldstein
Heske Zelermyer
Gideon Zelermyer
Allyn Shaloff Michaelson
Dan Fink
Daina Schatz and Jeff Anbinder
Matching gift for Jeffrey Anbinder
Steven Kaplan
Shelby Kelley
Noam Neusner
Elinor Hiller
Suzie and Henry Rosenhek
Dan Garrelick
Sharon Safra
Sarah Kabat
Jessica Martinez
Carrie Zalewski
Adrienne Rulnick
Ellie Sophocleous
Beth Liss
Andrea Levine
Judy Erdheim
Barbara Fierer
Gail Silberglied
Mr. Frank Macchiarola
Kristin Mearini
Jane Lucas
John Lee
Caitlin Sickles
Ryan Sickles
Lisa Johnson
Hilda Slivka
Michelle Salomon
Colleen Stewart
Eric Bauer
Lorraine Cetto
Sue Larson Iciek
Marion Serphos
Sheryl Smith
Maxie Canant
Marguerite Felsenfeld
Kate Burke
Alexander Hiller
Declan Sickles
Grace Lucas
Rowan Sickles
Top Donors
Valero Energy Corporation
American Clean Power
BGR Group
Ms. Sarah Macchiarola